
August Goals & Plans

Hey friends! It’s been so long since I’ve shared my monthly goals with you in this space. In fact, I don’t think I’ve done it since back in the day when I was doing my end of the month Things I Love posts. If you’re missing those posts, let me know, and I’ll bring them back. I don’t know about you, but I love seeing what others have been doing and enjoying behind-the-scenes. 

Anyway, seeing how July is coming to a close, and we’re getting ready for Lughnasad or Lammas, that point in the year when summer begins to fade into autumn, I thought it would be a good time to share some of my goals and plans for the coming month with you. Some of these things I’ll share here on the blog, some will be in our family vlogs over on YouTube, and others will be on my Instagram and Facebook pages. Be sure you’re following me in all those places so you don’t miss out!

August Goals:

  1. Publish one new blog post each week
  2. Bundle “Ultimate Guides” in shop
  3. Finalize guest bathroom decor
  4. Finalize family vacation plans and vacate! 
  5. Plan out and start fall preparations for the apothecary
  6. Write two sessions of my new course.
  7. Finish the “digestive” unit of the Vitalist Herbalist program.

August To-Dos:

  • Draft and outline all blog posts then put them on my calendar
  • Create a new product that bundles all Ultimate Guide ebooks together at a discount
  • Make a list of photo needs for the above blog posts
  • Browse Pinterest for “English country” bathrooms and make a list of items I need to get for my bathroom
  • Take one Saturday to go to antique shops or yard sales to gather supplies then come home and decorate
  • Make a list of “staycation” to-dos for our area on my phone. Make reservations where necessary
  • Make a list of tinctures to restock and get those started. Make a list of fall preparations to have on hand and get started on those as well.
  • Outline lessons for new my course and block out time in my planner to write.
  • Block of Sunday evenings to do my herbal studies!

Now, I think I could keep going with these lists—making tons of goals and to-dos for myself but that would just overwhelm me, so I’m going to stop here. If I can work all of the above into my month (which is really only 3 weeks since one of these weeks will be a vacation week for us), I will be happy. 

Because I’m a list maker, and I feel really fulfilled by checking things off my list, it’s easy for me to feel like I’ve failed if I don’t check EVERYTHING off my list. Because I know this about myself, I’m trying to be more careful to keep my lists smaller. It’s always easier to get everything done and add to my list rather than feeling overwhelmed by a huge list and then feeling bad about yourself when you don’t get it all accomplished—not to mention overlooking and playing down everything I did get done.

Okay, so that’s it for this post. I hope July has been a good month for you. I hope you’re making the most of summer and time with friends and family. Don’t forget to take care of yourself during this season of high energy. Things will begin to start slowing down soon!

Love and light, 

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