
Herb Folk: Nettle Herb Study Recap

Hello, friends!

Today I thought I’d share a quick recap of this past month’s Nettle Herb Study inside of my Herb Folk herb study program.

In this study, we learned about several different actions and uses of nettle. We’ve also tried our hand at making, and hopefully using, several different nettle preparations as well.

Get a quick peek of what we’ve covered in the Nettle Herb Study below!

Inside the Herb Folk Nettle Herb Study

herbal mineral vinegar

Week 1 – Nettle: A Nutritive

In week 1 of the Herb Folk Nettle Herb Study, we looked at nettle and its nutritive properties. Nettle contains a significant amount of easily extracted vitamins and minerals that are available to the body.

We made a nettle vinegar this week. Nettle vinegar can be used on its own or in foods as an easy way to increase daily nutrition as well as help to minimize the chance of a mineral deficiency.

nettle popcorn sprinkles

Week 2 – Nettle: A Tonic

​In week 2 of the Herb Folk Nettle Herb Study, we looked at nettle and its use as a tonic. Nettle is considered a nutritive tonic that builds the tissues of the body, and it has a general effect on the entire body.

We made nettle popcorn sprinkles as a way to increase the flavor and health of this snack and to provide a fun way to get more nettle and its tonic actions into the body at the same time.

mama's milk herbal tea blend

Week 3 – Nettle: A Galactagogue

In week 3 of the Herb Folk Nettle Herb Study, we looked at nettle and its galactagogue properties. Nettle is a mild galactagogue and can work alongside other herbs to stimulate milk production and increase the nutrition of mama’s milk at the same time.

We made a tasty mama’s milk tea blend that nursing mamas can drink daily, or it can be packaged up and gifted to someone who is.

nettle herbal allergy capsules

Week 4 – Nettle: An Anti-Inflammatory

​In week 4 of the Herb Folk Nettle Herb Study, we looked at nettle and its anti-inflammatory properties. Nettle can aid the body in reducing inflammation in a variety of ways.

For this week’s project, we made nettle capsules that should be taken before allergy season begins as a way to ease inflammation caused by allergies.

Won’t You Join Me For An Herb Folk Herb Study?

If you joined me for this past month’s Nettle Herb Study, then thank you so much! I hope you’ve learned some things you can apply in your own life as well as information you can share with friends and family.

If you haven’t tried an Herb Folk herb study yet, then I hope you enjoyed seeing this recap, and I hope you’ll join me for my FREE Ginger Herb Study right here. If you enjoy it, you can get 6 more herb studies (including this Nettle Herb Study) right here!

Love and light,

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