
Welcome to the Growing Up Herbal Journal where you'll find information on herbal education, recipes, tutorials, natural living tips and tricks, and behind the scenes glimpses of how I live life naturally.

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With summer in full swing, pests like mosquitos and ticks are a concern. Not only are ticks annoying, but they can also be carriers for the dreaded Lyme disease. Infected blacklegged ticks, also known as deer ticks, bite unsuspecting humans and transmit the bacterial infection into the blood stream. Unlike the common dog tick, deer […]

Natural Remedies For Lyme Disease and How To Prevent It | Growing Up Herbal | Concerned about ticks and Lyme disease? Here are some natural remedies and prevention tips to keep your little ones safe this summer.

When it comes to keeping our kids healthy, nutrition goes without saying all throughout the year, but it’s especially important during cold and flu season. Today, I want to talk a bit about the foods and supplements that can help prepare children for cold and flu season to help to keep their bodies strong. Now before […]

Nutrition is incredibly important during childhood, but unfortunately for some parents, it can be difficult to get kids to eat a nutrient dense diet on a consistent basis, therefore, deficiencies in the diet occur. Although I can’t stress enough how important prioritizing your child’s diet is, if there are times where nutrients are lacking for whatever reason, […]

5 Best Natural Supplements For Children | Growing Up Herbal | Ever wondered which supplements you should be giving your kids? If so, here are 5 of the best to start with!

Almost all parents are given some sort of teething aid at their baby shower to help their little one when the time for teething approaches, but many of these teething aids are potentially unsafe for babies. So what’s a natural minded mama to do? Today I want to look at two commonly used NATURAL teething […]

Two Natural Teething Aids That May Not Be Safe For Your Baby | Growing Up Herbal | These two commonly used “natural” teething aids may not be safe for your baby. Find out why!

This past winter season has been crazy for my family. I don’t ever remember dealing with sicknesses so much, so often. And we live a healthy lifestyle! That’s the worst part. How crazy and ridiculous is it! It makes me feel like such a hypocrite. We eat healthy, we steer clear of toxins, we get […]

Looking for more DIY remedies that will help lower your child’s fever when it’s uncomfortably high without taking it completely away? Below you’ll find 3 guest posts I’ve written this week that highlight a few remedies you can use with the herbs and oils mentioned in my new guide – Treating Fevers Naturally. Enjoy, and […]

Are you interested in learning how to use plants to support your health in as natural a way as possible — plants that grow in your backyard or in the forest behind your home or can be found in the local herb shop? If so, here's how you can become an herbalist!

How to Become
An Herbalist

Looking for books, recommended courses and workshops, and my must-have herbal supplies. You've got it. I'm dishing out all my favorite herbal resources with you!

My Favorite Resources for the Home Herbalist

behind the scenes

get my free home apothecary guide  here

ready to stock your home apothecary?