
Welcome to the Growing Up Herbal Journal where you'll find information on herbal education, recipes, tutorials, natural living tips and tricks, and behind the scenes glimpses of how I live life naturally.

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Have you ever tried to make a ratio tincture before and found that there just wasn’t enough solvent to cover the plant material? (I’m looking at you arnica flower, mullein leaf, calendula flower, mugwort leaf, […]

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If there’s one area I’ve always struggled to get results in when using herbs, it’s been headaches.  Yes, I’ve tried a lot of different things over the years, but my results were always hit or […]

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Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is by far my favorite plant. Every part of it can be used in herbalism, but in this article, I’m focusing on using the root of dandelion only.  Below I’ll share 10 dandelion root wellness benefits as well as explain how to harvest the root and use it to make a simple […]

While I love having fresh flowers in my home, when they start to wither and die, I often wonder if the price of purchasing them was worth it. Seeing how Valentine’s Day is today, you may be gifted with a bouquet of roses that cost someone quite a bit of money. Instead of throwing those […]

6 Ways To Use Leftover Valentine’s Day Roses | Growing Up Herbal | Don’t throw your roses away after Valentine’s Day. Here are some ways to put leftover Valentine’s Day roses to good use!

This past spring, I was excited to see a couple of yarrow plants growing next to my driveway. I watched them as they grew, budded, and unfurled their creamy white flowers, and as soon as they were full grown, I put them to good use. Back in August, I took some time to quickly tincture […]

How To Make A Fresh Yarrow Tincture (Plus 5 Ways To Use It) | Growing Up Herbal | If you have yarrow growing nearby, here's how to make a fresh yarrow tincture that you can have on hand for future use. Also included are 5 ways to use it!

Seeing how St. Patrick’s Day is this month, I thought it appropriate to share a bit about my new favorite green herb, usnea (Usnea spp.), with you today.  Now, I won’t be talking much about what usnea is, how to identify it, or how to harvest it. If you’d like to get an exclusive video […]

Are you interested in learning how to use plants to support your health in as natural a way as possible — plants that grow in your backyard or in the forest behind your home or can be found in the local herb shop? If so, here's how you can become an herbalist!

How to Become
An Herbalist

Looking for books, recommended courses and workshops, and my must-have herbal supplies. You've got it. I'm dishing out all my favorite herbal resources with you!

My Favorite Resources for the Home Herbalist

behind the scenes

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